Amazing Fact About Earth And Universe 2022

Earth is also part of a universe. The universe is constantly expanding. The universe is so vast that it takes years for its light to reach the earth. The length of the universe is more than 93 billion light years.

Is The Sun At The Center Of The Universe?

In the early 20th century, it became clear that the solar system was part of a galaxy. In which the Sun proved to be 30,000 light years away from the center of the galaxy.

The Sun is not at the center of the universe, but is one of the billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

What Is The Solar System And Did It Originate?

The Solar System is a group of planets orbiting the Sun and the Sun, as well as a group of satellites, meteors and comets orbiting the planets.

The centrifugal force required to keep the planets in that orbit is flooded by the force of gravity between the force and the sun.

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Names of solar system planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Pluto is known as a small planet.

The formation of the Solar System is believed to have been caused by the gravitational collapse of a small part of a large molecular cloud about 4.568 billion years ago.

Most of the fractured matter was gathered in the center to form the sun. Thus the sun has 99.86% of the solar system. The rest of the mass scattered in orbits formed planets, satellites, asteroids, meteors, comets, etc.

There are nine planets in the solar system, more than 102 satellites orbiting these planets and more than one lakh asteroids.

Facts about Mars for kids

Mars is the reddening planet Earth.

Photographs on the surface of Mars show the existence of vast valleys, ravines, mountains and dried up river, indicating the possibility of water flow in the past.

planet mars about
Planet Mars

Mars has a negligible atmosphere. Its atmosphere consists mainly of gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.

Its polar region is composed of dry ice (CO2).

5 Amazing Facts About Earth

The solar system is located in the universe. There are many planets in the solar system, one of which is Earth. We live on earth.

The third planet in the Solar System is Earth. This is the only planet in the Solar System that contains living things.

The earth has a thin layer of environment conducive to life.
This cover extends from 800 km to 1000 km.

Meteors falling to Earth from this mantle enter the mantle, igniting friction. This cover protects the life on earth from the damage caused by such meteorites.

Earth is also part of a universe

The thin layer of ozone in the atmosphere absorbs the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays (UV-ray) and reduces the harmful biological effects.
( The Earth’s atmosphere also absorbs harmful X-rays and gamma rays from the sun.)

This coating of the atmosphere creates a natural greenhouse effect, maintaining a period of temperature favorable to the organism.

This temperature range is such that it retains its liquid form and plays an important role in sustaining the Earth’s ecosystem.

The outer layer of the earth is made up of mud and rocks (silicate). It contains a wide range of silicon dioxide (SiO⅕2) compounds. The Earth’s core is a semiconductor component made up of substances such as iron, magnesium, and silicate.

It has a natural satellite, the moon.

The Difference Between The Central Of The Earth And The Central Of The Sun

Earth central : According to the Greek astronomer Ptolemy, all celestial bodies revolve around the earth. The earth is stationary in the center of the universe and the stars, moon, sun as well as all the planets revolve around it.

Ptolemy’s argument is called ‘earth-centered’ or ‘geo-centered’.

Suncentered : According to Nicholas Copernicus, the sun is at the center of the universe and is stationary. All the planets, including the earth, revolve around the sun. When the moon moves around the earth.

This is known as Copernicus’ ‘suncentered‘. The heliocentric argument was supported by Galileo’s spatial observations.

Black Hole Theory And Facts

Nothing comes back from a black hole in the universe. A black hole is a spatial space from which nothing can escape.

When the external pressure opposing the star’s own gravity becomes insufficient, the star’s gravity collapses. Thus stars with very large masses result in first supernovae and finally lol near their death.

At the center of the galaxy is a black hole with a mass of more than 4 million solar masses.

Nothing comes back from a black hole in the universe

The imaginary surface around a black hole is called an ‘event horizon’. From where nothing can come back. Even light reaching the horizon is absorbed like black matter. Hence blackening it.

It therefore emits a small amount of radiation.

The existence of a black hole can be deduced from its gravitational interactions with the celestial bodies around it.

Black holes are classified by their force, electric charge and angular velocity.

Facts About Meteors

Large and small objects from space enter the Earth’s atmosphere. These celestial bodies are called meteors.

Due to the Earth’s gravity, when meteors enter the atmosphere at tremendous speeds, they ignite due to friction with the air, which appears in the form of illuminated lesota
, called falling stars. In fact he is no star.

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When meteorites of large size do not burn completely in the atmosphere, they hit the earth in a burning sphere.
Such a burning sphere is called Meteors.


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